Insertion sort (Python)

Insertion sort (Python)

Level Easy

Insertion sort

What is the insertion sort?

The insertion sort is a more efficient and straightforward algorithm. The principle of the insertion sort algorithm is based on the deck of cards, where we sort the playing cards according to a specific card. It has numerous advantages, but the data structure contains numerous efficient methods.

We compare the hands of cards we hold while playing cards. The majority of players prefer to sort the cards in ascending order so that they can immediately see which combinations they have.

The insertion sort algorithm is not so fast because it uses a nested loop to sort the elements.

What is the meaning of in-place and stable?

  • In-place: The in-place algorithm requires additional space without caring about the input size of the collection. After performing the sorting, it rewrites the original memory locations of the elements in the collection.

  • Stable: The stable is a term that manages the relative order of equal objects from the initial array. The more important thing, the insertion sort doesn't require knowing the array size in advance and it receives the one element at a time.

The great thing about the insertion sort is if we insert more elements to be sorted - the algorithm arranges them in their proper place without performing the complete sort.

It is more efficient for the small (less than 10) size array. Now, let's understand the concepts of insertion sort.

The Concept of Insertion Sort

The array spilled virtually into the two parts in the insertion sort - An unsorted part and a sorted part.

The sorted part contains the first element of the array and the other unsorted subpart contains the rest of the array. The first element in the unsorted array is compared to the sorted array so that we can place it into a proper sub-array.

It focuses on inserting the elements by moving all elements if the right-side value is smaller than the left side.

It will repeatedly happen until all element is inserted at the correct place.

To sort the array using insertion sort below is the algorithm of insertion sort.

  • Spilt a list in two parts - sorted and unsorted.
  • Iterate from arr[1] to arr[n] over the given array.
  • Compare the current element to the next element.
  • If the current element is smaller than the next element, compare it to the element before, Move to the greater elements one position up to make space for the swapped element.

Let's understand the following example.

We will consider the first element in the sorted array in the following array.

[10, 4, 25, 1, 5]

The first step is to add 10 to the sorted subarray

[10, 4, 25, 1, 5]

Now we take the first element from the unsorted array - 4. We store this value in a new variable temp. Now, we can see that the 10>4 then we move the 10 to the right and that overwrites the 4 that was previously stored.

[10, 10, 25, 1, 5] (temp = 4)

Here the 4 is lesser than all elements in the sorted subarray, so we insert it at the first index position.

[4, 10, 25, 1, 5]

We have two elements in the sorted subarray.

Now check the number 25. We have saved it into the temp variable. 25> 10 and also 25> 4 then we put it in the third position and add it to the sorted sub-array.

[4, 10, 25, 1, 5]

Again we check the number 1. We save it in temp. 1 is less than 25. It overwrites the 25.

[4, 10, 25, 25, 5] 10>1 then it overwrites again

[4, 25, 10, 25, 5]

[25, 4, 10, 25, 5] 4>1 now put the value of temp = 1

[1, 4, 10, 25, 5]

Now, we have 4 elements in the sorted subarray. 5<25 then shift 25 to the right side and pass temp = 5 to the left side.

[1, 4, 10, 25, 25] put temp = 5

Now, we get the sorted array by simply putting the temp value.

[1, 4, 5, 10, 25]

The given array is sorted.


 InsertionSort(int[] lst)

    FOR i = 1 to len(lst)

      int j <-- i - 1
      int temp <-- lst[i]

      WHILE j >= 0 AND temp < lst[j]
        lst[j + 1] <-- lst[j]
        j <-- j - 1

      lst[j + 1] <-- temp


def insertion_sort(some_list):
    """This function sorts a list using the insertion sort algorithm.
    input: some_list, a list of integers
    output: a sorted list of integers

    for outer_index in range(1, len(some_list)):

        inner_index = outer_index - 1 # inner_index is the index of the previous element
        current_element = some_list[outer_index]  # current_element is the element to be inserted

        while inner_index >= 0 and current_element < some_list[inner_index]: 
            # while the element to be inserted is less than the previous element
            some_list[inner_index + 1] = some_list[inner_index] # shift the previous element to the right
            inner_index = inner_index - 1 

        some_list[inner_index+1] = current_element # insert the element to be inserted

Run this code:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    lst = [42, 23, 16, 15, 8, 4]
    print("list", lst)

    lst1 = [20,18,12,8,5,-2]

    lst2 = [-23, -0.5, -4, 0, -1]
    print("list2", lst2)

    lst3 = [5,12,7,5,5,7]
    print("list3", lst3)

    lst4 = [2,3,5,7,13,11]
    print("list4", lst4)

    lst5 = [2,3,5,7,11,13]
    print("list5", lst5)

    lst6 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    print("list6", lst6)


from insertion_sort import insertion_sort

def test_simple_lst():
    lst = [8,4,23,42,16,15]
    assert lst == [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]

def test_list_reverse_order():
    lst = [42, 23, 16, 15, 8, 4]
    assert lst == [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]

def test_list_reverse_order2():
    lst = [20,18,12,8,5,-2]
    assert lst == [-2, 5, 8, 12, 18, 20]

def test_list_zeros_and_negative():
    lst = [-23, -0.5, -4, 0, -1]
    assert lst == [-23, -4, -1, -0.5, 0]

def test_few_uniques():
    lst = [5,12,7,5,5,7]
    assert lst == [5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 12]

def test_nearly_sorted():
    lst = [2,3,5,7,13,11]
    assert lst == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]

def test_sorted():
    lst = [2,3,5,7,11,13]
    assert lst == [2,3,5,7,11,13]

def test_same_vals():
    lst = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    assert lst == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]


In the above code, we have created a function called insertion_sort(list1). Inside the function -

  • We defined for loop for traverse the list from 1 to len(list1).
  • In for loop, assigned values of list1 in value Every time the loop will iterate the new value will assign to the value variable.
  • Next, we moved the elements of list1[0…i-1], which is greater than the value, to one position ahead of their current position.
  • Now, we used the while to check whether the j is greater or equal to 0, and the value is smaller than the first element of the list.
  • If both conditions are true then move the first element to the 0th index and reduce the value of j and so on.
  • After that, we called the function and passed the list, and printed the result.

Time Complexity in Insertion Sort

Insertion sort is a slow algorithm; sometimes, it seems too slow for the extensive dataset. However, it is efficient for small lists or arrays.

The time complexity of the insertion sort is - O(n2). It uses the two loops for iteration.

Another important advantage of the insertion sort is that; it is used by the popular sorting algorithm called Shell sort.

The auxiliary space in insertion sort: O(1)


Insertion sort is a simple and inefficient algorithm that has many advantages, but there are more efficient algorithms are available.

In this tutorial, we have discussed the concept of the insertion sort and its implementation using the Python programming language.

Specifics about how it works:

Outer Index: 1  CurrentValue:  1        Inner Index: 1

3       1       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       41
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 1  CurrentValue:  1        Inner Index: 1

3       1       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 1  CurrentValue:  1        Inner Index: 1

3------>3       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 1  CurrentValue:  1        Inner Index: 0

3       3       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 1  CurrentValue:  1        Inner Index: 0

1       3       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       41
Current Index: 2
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 2

1       3       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       40
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 2

1       3       0       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 2

1       3------>3       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 1

1       3       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 1

1------>1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 0

1       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 2  CurrentValue:  0        Inner Index: 0

0       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       40
Current Index: 3
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 3  CurrentValue:  5        Inner Index: 3

0       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       45
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 3  CurrentValue:  5        Inner Index: 3

0       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 3  CurrentValue:  5        Inner Index: 3

0       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       45
Current Index: 4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 4

0       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       42
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 4

0       1       3       5       2       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 4

0       1       3       5------>5       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 3

0       1       3       5       5       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 3

0       1       3------>3       5       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 2

0       1       3       3       5       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 4  CurrentValue:  2        Inner Index: 2

0       1       2       3       5       9       7       8       6       42
Current Index: 5
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 5  CurrentValue:  9        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       9       7       8       6       49
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 5  CurrentValue:  9        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 5  CurrentValue:  9        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       9       7       8       6       49
Current Index: 6
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 6  CurrentValue:  7        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       9       7       8       6       47
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 6  CurrentValue:  7        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       9       7       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 6  CurrentValue:  7        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       9------>9       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 6  CurrentValue:  7        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       9       9       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 6  CurrentValue:  7        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       7       9       8       6       47
Current Index: 7
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 7  CurrentValue:  8        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       7       9       8       6       48
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 7  CurrentValue:  8        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       7       9       8       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 7  CurrentValue:  8        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       7       9------>9       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 7  CurrentValue:  8        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       7       9       9       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 7  CurrentValue:  8        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       7       8       9       6       48
Current Index: 8
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 8

0       1       2       3       5       7       8       9       6       46
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 8

0       1       2       3       5       7       8       9       6       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 8

0       1       2       3       5       7       8       9------>9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       7       8       9       9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       7       8------>8       9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       7       8       8       9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       7------>7       8       9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       7       7       8       9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 8  CurrentValue:  6        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8       9       46
Current Index: 9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 9

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8       9       44
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 9

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8       9       4
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 9

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8       9------>9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 8

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8       9       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 8

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8------>8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       8       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 7

0       1       2       3       5       6       7------>7       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       6       7       7       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 6

0       1       2       3       5       6------>6       7       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5       6       6       7       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 5

0       1       2       3       5------>5       6       7       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 4

0       1       2       3       5       5       6       7       8       9
sh: 1: cls: not found

Outer Index: 9  CurrentValue:  4        Inner Index: 4

0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       94
Array Sorted!
0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9